The American Attraction To Europe:
In North American films and TV programmes, it is always seems
to be a huge deal and really exotic to visit Europe for your holidays. The
French Riviera, Venice, London and Barcelona are just some popular
destinations.But why is it that many Americans feel drawn to the continent and
longingly look out their window to sigh 'Oh I'd just love to go to France some

Riviera Rome
One theory is that people are drawn to where their ancestors come from.
It is a fact that most Caucasian Americans have European ancestry. Some people
say that they feel a bond to where their family comes from - American Irish whose
ancestors came over during the Great Irish Potato Famine or French Americans
who escaped the reign of Louis XVI before the French Revolution.
In the USA, especially in the Deep South, it was looked down upon not to
know your family history and where you came from. If you did know, you should
probably be from Europe. For some reason, this was considered the best place
for your family to come from. In the book ' The Help' by Tate Taylor, the women
of Jacksonville, Mississippi frequently discuss their geographical background
as if being of European descent is like being a monarch.

Historic Building in Oklahoma vs. In Germany
Compared to Europe (and in fact, most of the world), the USA is only in
its childhood. As advanced and rich America is, their history has only come
from a few hundred years. A 100 year old government building might be
considered a historic monument, to be treasured and preserved. In Europe, as
well as modern design and wealth, the continent has developed over thousands of
years. There is a wider selection of places to go and things to see that have
had a real historic impact such as the Palace of Versailles or The Colosseum.
Another possibility is how easy it is to get around. Europe, a whole
continent that is not even half the size of the USA. It never takes more than
six hours by air to get anywhere in Europe from Europe. A whole country in
Europe is not even the size of a single state in America. All of the main
cities are linked somehow, by train mainly. It is not at all expensive to
travel around Europe either - an Interrailing pass can cost as little as eighty
three euro.

of Europe vs. USA Texas vs. Europe
The language barrier isn’t a problem either. Nearly all European
countries have made it compulsory to study at least one other language in
school. Most Europeans (54%) can speak
another language. 38% of Europeans can hold a conversation in English
(excluding the UK and Ireland).
Maybe the reason for the longing to visit is the history and what comes with it. Narrow winding backstreets through ancient cities with a mixture of modern and old architecture and culture. Museums (with free entry) full of Renaissance paintings just waiting to be awed and wondered as well as the remains of the Ancient Romans and Greeks at every street end. If you've ever been to a European city like Barcelona or Rome, you will know the overwhelming feeling of strolling through the long roads of the city, looking up towards towering statuesque buildings. That feeling can only be made with a long, long history of riches and architecture. Even as a European, that makes me want to be a tourist in my own city. |
the reason for the longing to visit is the history and what comes with it.
Narrow winding backstreets through ancient cities with a mixture of modern
and old architecture and culture. Museums (with free entry) full of
Renaissance paintings just waiting to be awed and wondered as well as the
remains of the Ancient Romans and Greeks are at every street end. If you've
ever been to a European city like Barcelona or Rome, you will know the
overwhelming feeling of strolling through the long roads of the city, looking
up towards towering statuesque buildings. That feeling can only be made with
a long, long history of riches and architecture.
Even as
a European, these reasons make me want to be a tourist in my own geographical
I have some of those masks from Venice, So cool.:)